Sunday, 4 December 2011

Keep doing your thing...

This morning I left a rather long comment on 'Q&k's' blog which was in response to a comment made by someone who said they were not going to look at 'IHonorHer' anymore because they just felt sorry for 'k' and felt that he was being abused by 'Q'. Since not all of you probably visit 'IHonorHer' just as not all their visitors come here, I thought I would repost my response here, perhaps it might prompt some discussion? You might like to visit 'IHonorHer' to read the original post and the comment to which I was responding, you can do that by clicking here.

I find this post (Anon) a little odd, not least because the love you have for each other seems pretty obvious. I don't always 'get' everything that goes on between you, like the spanking for example, but it still seems to me that you genuinely love each other and what appears (as much as I can tell) as a solid marriage.
If I've learned anything over the years it's that you can't judge someone else's relationship by your own standards and ideals. 
The other thing I would say is that because Q posts on my blog I have picked up on some of the things she has said which colour my view of things, perhaps Anon hasn't seen those comments, perhaps they don't visit my blog (why not?????). Perhaps if Q posted her side on your blog more people would be more informed and understand a little better?
I think half the thing with alternative relationships is the breaking of barriers and allowing us to explore our deeper, darker fantasies with each other (or with others), that could be giving control of orgasms or letting someone piss on you... Mistress R commented this morning that when she responded to Miss Christina's questions the other day, she found her answers a bit underwhelming, she just can't find the words to explain how it feels to bring someone close to orgasm and to deny it, how unbelievably intense it is and how close it makes you feel. I imagine when you were spooning Q with your cock hard in your chastity device you would have been experiencing something few of us would dare to, and if it makes you and Q happy then, why the hell not. You only get one life and if you can find someone on your wavelength to share it with then you are a lucky, lucky person. 
Sure your marriage could break up, so could anyone's, and if it does people will be like, well what did you expect he was a cuck, it was bound to happen. But that might not be the reason at all, there could be a million other reasons, but people will always focus on something they don't understand, instead of something else like one of you was useless with money or one of you was a miserable git or something like that...
Anyway, point is, the more I think about it the more I think this persons comment was mildly ridiculous. Keep doing your thing and fuck what anyone else thinks!

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