Friday, 25 November 2011

Reality vs fantasy...

I was having a conversation with someone yesterday and he asked me how 'real' my blog was, which came up after he admitted to me that his own blog was 'embellished' a little. Over the last months there has been some (understandable) confusion over my website from some people who haven't read the whole thing, so I thought I'd just write something for my newer visitors to put my cards on the table once and for all.
My blog entries are 99% 'real'. I might very occasionally gloss over something which detracts from the overall post, but on the whole I can put my hand on my heart and say that anything I have written is true and not misrepresented in any way. I completely understand why some other bloggers might want to write a certain way, to indulge their own fantasies and to entertain their readers, and I see nothing wrong with that.
However, that is not what 'I' set out to do and for some reason I feel very protective of my blog and the fact that it is 'true' and 'real'. I would imagine anyone who has read my blog from the beginning would know this, because there have been some difficult times along the way and I have reported them pretty much warts'n'all.
I think where some level of misunderstanding has crept in is through my stories and my captions, in particular some of my older stories which were written as 'extensions' of Mistress R and mine's Femdom Sessions.
The way I view it, is that my stories and my captions are for entertainment and in them I am free to explore anything I please, whereas when I am posting about myself and Mistress R, that is all 'real'. In the past I have had people read some of my stories and then comment as if these things have actually happened... of course some parts of the stories are true, but the things that were remarked upon were not. Similarly, while for the most part my captions and stories represent my own 'kinks' (to some extent), there are some which are created with others in mind.
I guess the most common misconception (and the most understandable) for the very casual reader is that I am in a chastity device. I am not. I do have one, but I am not 'locked' and Mistress R does not have the key (although this remains something I hope might happen one day). The photo at the top of the page is Mistress R, and that is a padlock key, but the image is purely aesthetic.
I don't mean to give the impression that I am saying that my blog is 'better' than other people's, I just would like people who read my blog to know which parts of my blog are 'entertainment' and which parts are real, perhaps because I would like to know that myself when I read other's blogs.

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