Thursday 23 May 2013

A great (but slightly difficult) question...

Had an interesting question by email this morning, asking 'Does your lifestyle make you feel less secure in your marriage?'

Wow, what a difficult question... I've just written two or three hundred words or so and deleted them because I'm not sure about my answer. The truth is, on one hand the increase in intimacy and trust one needs to place in one's partner when opening yourself up to this kind of lifestyle forms a stronger bond than most vanilla couples can hope to achieve. Mistress R and I have always been extremely close, but surrendering my orgasms to her full-time has made us even closer.
On the other hand, as my recent post will confirm, sometimes it's all too easy to get yourself in a pickle worrying about things. These concerns are difficult to ignore, especially when people ask you questions about things like how your wife views you since you became her 'chastity slave' etc, etc...
As I posted recently, it's not always so easy to completely forget the programming we are subjected to growing up (particularly about how the strong, dominant male is most attractive to the female) and sometimes it boils to the surface and leaves me feeling somewhat insecure.

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