Saturday, 7 January 2012

No Femdom session today...

Unfortunately we have had to postpone our Femdom session until next weekend, however luckily for me there may well be some pussy worship (and presumably teasing) on the cards either today or tomorrow. We'll see...

Today is a bit tough on the diet front, but then it's the first weekend so it was bound to be. Maybe it's for the best that we have postponed our session until next weekend, because after an hour of pure indulgence like that it's kind of hard to be disciplined for the rest of the day! So far (okay it's only six days) I have adhered to my regime of one hour of exercise every day and an intake of 1600 calories (not much when you weigh what I do, and according to this calculator I should be eating twice that to maintain my weight). I'm sure I've lost a few pounds already, and if nothing else I certainly feel a lot better than I did a week ago.

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