Monday, 2 January 2012

I haven't cum since last year...

Well, Mistress R has just enjoyed her first orgasm of 2012, the first of many, many, many more to come too! I, on the other hand got to enjoy another lovely bout of teasing which left my cock throbbing against her once again, which means that (for the moment at least) I can say with all sincerity, that I haven't cum since last year! Which is not saying much since it's actually only seven days, but perhaps I will still be saying that in mid-February, or even late February, or well, who knows?
I've been in a funny mood these last few days, I'm impatient to get my teeth into the new year, to get back into a routine, and stop getting up and going to bed late (it does nothing for the complexion). I'm not desperate to go back to work as such, but I am looking forward to addressing my weight and that is best done in tandem with the routine that a working week brings.
It's so fucking frustrating starting yet another year in almost exactly the same position, but there's no one else to blame so there's only one thing to do. And having managed to learn to keep my hands off my cock pretty good now, I'm hopeful that I can apply the same level of determination to keeping my hands of off chocolate and other goodies.
I could spout on about being determined and this, that and the other, but then I always feel like that at the start of the year, so that doesn't really mean anything. Besides, actions speak louder than words and so it's time to stop talking and start doing something! Which is exactly what I intend to do, starting today.

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