Just after midnight, Mistress and I were snuggling under the duvet, and my cock started to get very hard indeed. Finally I remembered that I could ask her if I was allowed to touch my cock! I know that sounds stupid, but usually the need only arises when she is already asleep or has left already (gotten out of bed before me - she starts work earlier than I do), which is why I have 5 infractions on my sidebar - can't wait to be punished for those on Sunday... NOT!
So anyway, I can't even remember the last time I asked permission to do this (I am allowed to ask three times between cums remember, but since I never know how long that's going to be I always seem to end up saving them too long and wasting them) and I'd forgotten how much better it is to touch your cock with permission than without, and to do it with her there, so it feels like she's part of it.
It's still not as good as her doing it, obviously! But it was still pretty nice, especially when she asked me 'are you enjoying that slave?', and reminded me not to make myself cum. Soooooooooooo hot.
Hopefully tonight it will be Mistress R's fingers that are teasing me after I've given her another lovely orgasm, oh I do hope so. I really do!
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