Monday, 13 June 2011

Not so much carrot and stick...

Mistress and I were having a laugh on the way to the shopping trip this morning, discussing the night out we had with our friends at the weekend and how I will explain the dramatic amount of weight I will shortly be losing. Okay yes, a little presumptuous perhaps, but given that Mistress has told me in no uncertain terms that my continued chastity experience depends on me putting in some effort and getting results, and that results will be rewarded with 'treats' I feel like I am in a very good place to really find my motivation! So it's more of a carrot and paddle situation then, or perhaps a dildo and paddle situation if you prefer.
Oh, and another thing, the other night while waiting for our friends to arrive at the restaurant Mistress and I were talking about my recent posts and she asked why I had written that I thought it unlikely that she would lock me up in the CB-3000. I confess I was a little taken aback at this since she has been pretty much against the thing from the word go and I thought it was pretty obvious why I thought this. Hmm. So, I still haven't actually worn it since that night and my main concern is that Mistress will suddenly decide to have me wear it and then it will be a disaster because I haven't had chance to get used to it. I mean maybe she will have me wear it to start our Femdom session on Friday (if it happens then) and that will probably only be a few minutes while I worship her feet or something and that will be fine (assuming I can get the thing on, it took me several goes the first time). But what I don't want is for her to suddenly want me to wear it in three weeks time with no warning and no chance to get used to it. Sad as it is to say, chastity devices are much like anal sex, best attempted after sufficient preparation, otherwise likely to result in great discomfort...

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