Saturday, 18 June 2011

After tomorrow, every day will be...

...a new record for me. Because tomorrow I will hit 22 days again and equal my previous record. However, it seems that there's no good me thinking I'm going to beat it by a day or two because Mistress R has made it pretty clear that I'm not going to be coming before next Saturday, and even then who knows for sure? There's nothing to stop her from extending it further if that's what she chooses to do. I have no say in it whatsoever, and that's just the way it should be.
I'm feeling pretty beat right now, London was exhausting as usual... the 'London Bridge Experience' is pretty rubbish (and expensive) but the Egyptian statues in the British Museum were pretty damn cool. Mistress R gave my cock a little rub on the train home, which was nice. I was telling her how much I loved that she just decided to add another week to my chastity period, how I loved that my orgasms are now completely in her hands, and how I'm now really starting to feel like she has taken control properly. Just talking about it made me hard, as Mistress found out... hehehe.
Earlier, on a tube station platform, we were talking about my weightloss and how much I will have lost by Christmas, and I joked 'Is that when my year of denial starts then?', and she said 'You wouldn't really want that would you?'. I just gave the only answer I could really, 'It's not up to me...', and as far as I'm concerned it isn't, if she decided she wanted to do that I would agree, without a doubt. But while on one hand part of me thinks it's super-hot, I seriously doubt I would have the willpower to do that without a chastity device, so we'd need to sort that out first.
Anyway, I think that's maybe jumping ahead a bit, as I'm still yet to beat twenty two days (although I know it's coming!). This coming week will certainly be a hard one, if you'll pardon the pun!

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