Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Benefits of male chastity...

Harry Haversackers left a comment on the blog the other day, remarking on how couples out there who are doing male chastity and orgasm control are reaping the benefits in the general wellbeing and harmony of their relationships (or something to that effect). I am reminded of this as I sit here at work today, playing back in my mind over and over again the events of last night and looking forward to seeing my gorgeous wife when I get home tonight.
We've been married nearly twenty years and we've had a generally very good marriage. But since we started the chastity thing, I feel we are closer than ever, and I think it has gone a long way to restoring some of the 'passion' that has inevitably eroded away over the years. We learnt a long time ago the dangers of taking each other for granted, but even so, no long-term relationship is completely imune from the ravages of time.
So when I read blogs where a guy really wants to give control of his orgasms to his wife and she's not having any of it, I just wish there was some simple way that these women could see their potential future, of having a husband who is interested in them all over again, who will happily make them cum every night if they wish, who will worship their bodies, and will love them like they did when they first met (I mean who wouldn't go for that?).
Sadly, I do not have the answer, though I do think that a very positive first step would be if some magazine, say Cosmopolitan or a similar mainstream title could do a serious, positive article about the benefits to women of keeping their men chaste.

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