Once again Mistress R silently lulled me into believing that she was going to allow me to cum this afternoon. No sooner had I brought her to orgasm with my tongue than she was stroking and teasing my poor, denied cock again, and when she straddled me and sank down on my throbbing meat I really thought, 'Ok, this time she really is going to ride my cock and let me come inside her.... surely!'.
But no, Mistress R rode my cock for several minutes, occasionally leaning forward to kiss me, but every time I tried to lift myself up so that I could suck on her gorgeous nipples she put her hand on my chest and kept me flat on the bed. I really wanted to suck her nipples but it was hot that she kept me where SHE wanted me too...
Nearing the end, she reached behind her back and started scratching my balls as she rose and fell on my cock, that felt really amazing, though I was kinda willing her to slap them if I'm honest. The scratching went on for half a minute or more and by then I was convinced she was going to let me shoot inside her and (probably, hopefully...) she would straddle my face and have me lick her clean.
Instead she lifted herself off and lay down beside me, stroking my aching and pussy juice drenched cock and then using one finger to tease the head. For a brief second or two I clung to the hope that she was about to jerk me off, but despite a couple of minutes more teasing, by which time my cock was truly rock hard, she kissed me and told me that that was all I was getting today.
I rolled onto my side and squeezed her tight, kissing her neck and feeling my poor denied cock gently rubbing against her stomach. Twenty one days and counting then, and a Femdom session next weekend. As ever I'm conflicted about my release, part of me wants to cum while part of me hopes Mistress R keeps me waiting far beyond next weekend and even way beyond my thirty five day record...
In other news, the calorie counting is working well. Twelve pounds in four weeks, means I'm back in the 16 stone range (224-238lbs for our American readers) for only the second time in oooooh five years or so. I weighed in this morning with a five pound loss at 16St 11lbs (235lbs) after putting on two pounds last week (which I'm pretty sure is because I wasn't eating enough). The lowest I've been in 'recent' times was 16St 7lbs (231lbs) in 2007 after a three day stay in hospital, I would dearly love to break that next week or the week after.
Something is definitely different this time, I feel confident that it's going to continue. I don't really know why that is, I just seem focussed. Usually by the fourth week of a diet I've either given up or am becoming complacent and before you know it I'm heading the other way again. But that is not the case this time, I'm in the groove and more determined than I was on the first day I started. We have a family wedding in seven weeks and I see no reason why I shouldn't be in the fifteen stone range by then, I can't even remember the last time I was under sixteen stone, probably 2004...?
Having got into the sixteen's once recently I refuse to allow myself to slack off and go over that hump again, and knowing that we are going out for dinner tonight I actually spent 140minutes on the treadmill this afternoon to try to combat any negative effects that might arise from that. It was pretty cool to see the clock on the treadmill go round and back to nought again, I think I've only ever done that once before, and that was a long time ago.
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