Tuesday 29 October 2013

Big mistake...

Not last week, the week before, Mistress and I were off work so I decided that I would book a week of from Slimming World (we are allowed six 'holidays' a year), in my infinite wisdom I had a plan, which went like this:
I'm off work for a week, it's my birthday, we're going here there and everywhere and I'm going to put on weight, no doubt. And that was before I decided to start baking... then my brilliant mind followed it up with the idea that, going back the next week was a waste of time and money since I was bound to have put on, what was the point of paying £4.95 to be told I'd put on ?lbs. No, instead I would book two weeks off and the second week I would make sure I lost all the weight I put on in the first week.
It all sounded perfectly plausible at the time of course.... however, as the weigh-in inevitably approached it was clear that I hadn't lost all the weight I'd put on, or anything close to it really. And so it was with considerable trepidation that I attended the meeting this evening. You may remember that I had lost 27lbs (a tantalising 1lb short of my two stone reward...) before my week off, and as I mounted the scale this evening I was fully expecting a gain of 6lbs, putting my right back to 1.5stones lost. Worse than that I was worried that it may even be more, since our bathroom scales and the fancy digital ones they have don't seem to correlate in any conceivably accurate fashion. What if it was 7lbs or even 8lbs???
In the event I had actually gained 5lbs, which while not being in any way positive, is not as bad as it could have been. Which means my reward is now 6lbs away. Which, I think, if I am 100% focussed and by the book, is achievable within the next two weeks. Three at the most. And that still leaves another 4-5 weeks before Christmas to potentially lose another half stone.
Missing the meetings was a really, really, really terrible idea and I won't be doing that again in a hurry. Indeed, if at all possible I will be attending even when I am on holiday in future.

On a brighter note, after a disastrous start to October, Mistress R and I turned things around and last night Mistress enjoyed her tenth orgasm of the month. I knew we could make double figures if we tried hard enough, I am very happy about that. Tomorrow I am off to see a few bands with a friend, so hopefully we can start November with a bang on Thursday!

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