Sunday, 3 December 2017

The Sex Robots Are Coming...

Here in the UK Channel 4 is running a series of programmes about ‘The Rise of the Robots’, Mistress and I have just watched one of these called ‘The Sex Robots are Coming’. It follows a company in the USA which is building a sex robot called ‘Harmony’ and is aiming to be the first ‘interactive’ sex doll on the the market.
I’m afraid I find this all rather creepy and weird, in fact the whole ‘Real Doll’ thing is a bit strange if you ask me, but then I’m conscious that the things that Mistress and I get up to aren’t everybody’s cup of tea, so… you know, as long as it’s not hurting anyone I don’t see an issue.
And sure, these robots could have practical uses for people with disabilities or sexual trauma perhaps, or simply people who are lonely – and who am I to judge people for that? But on the other hand, given the price tag I suspect most of these will be bought (at least initially) by affluent, middle class guys who probably have wives already, but want something ‘always available’.
And I can’t help but wonder if these things aren’t going to cause more problems than they solve. After all, why go to the trouble of getting someone ‘in the mood’ when you know you can always rely on your doll? It’s going to be like having a wife and a booty call girlfriend always on demand, how can it not end up affecting the ‘real’ relationship?
Plus, there’s the obvious knock-on effects… if you get used to having sex with an inanimate object, where you can fuck them in any hole whenever you like, however you like, with no cause to worry about hygiene or infection and no need to worry about causing accidental discomfort or pain, how will that play out when you have sex with a living breathing woman?
Never mind how the woman feels about the fact that she’s in ‘competition’ with your robot/doll.
And what happens when these manufacturers turn their attention to the ignored female market and produce a ‘male robot doll’ that can be fitted with whatever sized cock the owner wants, that can fuck all night, precisely how hard/slow/fast/rough/gentle she wants it… how are the male ‘doll fans’ going to react to that?
Seems to me this is just another area where people are going to withdraw from human interaction and live in their own world, obsessed with their phone, ordering food from Just Eat and fucking their robot ‘wife’.
Jesus Christ, the world really is fucked isn’t it?

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