Tuesday 28 January 2020

Another Comment on 'Anna's Cuckold'

This comment was left on Literotica today:

Anonymous said: Not a bad story but way too short. I like the dynamic between hubby and wife which could have developed much further if the author had extended the chapter. So good foundations for a story. Keep going! As an aside I'm always bemused as to why people write in getting upset about cuckold stories when the title could not have been clearer. "Anna's cuckold" was probably the give away clue there. A bit like going into a "All meat burger" joint and then being stunned that they don't sell a vegan burger.

This comment pretty much bears out exactly what I said in my last post about a lot of my stories seeming like first chapters of longer pieces.... and yeah, it is funny how even when Cuckold stories aren't put in the 'Loving Wives' section, if they have 'Cuckold' in the title they act as a beacon for loonies. I mean, I think 'Mind Control' and 'Supernatural' stories are fucking stupid frankly, but I don't go around deliberately reading them and giving them one star, I just ignore them. I mean, what is the point?

And it's not even as if these people just click down to the bottom of the page, rate the story and leave their comment; often it's more than apparent from their comment that they've actually bothered to invest the time to read the story, which I find weird - unless they read them, enjoy them and then comment in a fit of self-loathing? I mean I don't object to someone leaving a negative comment, say if someone doesn't like the way the story went or if they think my writing is shit, they're entitled to their opinion after all... but it's like me going to an Italian restaurant and then leaving them a bad review on Trip Advisor moaning that it was all 'pasta and tomatoes', the clue's in the name after all.

The comment is fair, in that it was short(ish) compared to my other stories, but it wasn't intended to be anything more than a short story about an interaction between a cuckold husband and his wife who was returning from seeing her lover.

And then there was this comment left on Sunday:

Anonymous said: One star for the loser of Trumps USA!

If anyone can explain what that means, I'm all ears. What has my story got to do with Trump or the USA? Because I certainly don't have anything to do with either...

Also, someone needs to tell this person that 'Trumps' needs an apostrophe between the p and the s. Just sayin'...

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