Monday, 20 May 2019

Of Towels and the Joy of Sliding Off Panties...

One of the things that has really stayed with me from yesterday's session (and there are quite a few to be fair!) is when Mistress stood on the bed in front of me and had me slide her panties off for her. I don't know why that made such an impression on me really, as there were far more 'extreme' things that we did... but for some reason that keeps popping up in my mind. I think a lot of it was because I was on my knees and she was above me, I really love that. I also had pegs on my nipples and my ball stretcher on of course, and that added to it, but still, just the act of peeling Mistress's panties off so that I could worship her pussy was sooooooooo lovely. I also loved that she made me kiss them before I put them to one side, that was hot as well.

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I want to tell you something, which may sound somewhat insignificant to you, but I take great heart from it. This morning I set off for work and as it was so early and I wasn't really fully with it, I completely forgot about getting Mistress's towels out and folding them ready for when she gets home. About ten minutes down the road I realised what I had done and took a detour back to home so I could remedy my oversight (fortunately I was going swimming anyway so I wasn't late for work).

Later I emailed her and told her what I had done and I was so pleased that she didn't say 'Oh you didn't need to do that' or something, like she probably would have before we signed our new contract. Even when I got home I was half expecting her to say something like that, but she didn't and I am so pleased. After all I made a commitment to put her towels out and I take that very seriously. Obviously it's not really about the towels themselves, it's symbolic, and it's a way I can serve Mistress every day in a helpful and thoughtful way (and without being a pest).

Consequently I now have a little sticker stuck on my dashboard which says 'towels', so hopefully I won't make the same mistake again! :)

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