Saturday, 29 July 2017

Dozing and Stroking...

After a tiring week, Mistress and I went to bed reasonably early last night and slept in a bit today too. I usually get up reasonably early on Saturdays to go do the shopping, but this morning we were still in bed past nine.
We were both dozing on and off from about 6am, and later on I was watching Mistress sleep and thinking how gorgeous she looks. As I was lying there I could feel my cock starting to get hard and after a while when Mistress opened her eyes to look at the time on the ceiling (we have one of those projection clocks – which are brilliant by the way) I asked if I could touch my cock.
Mistress said I could and then closed her eyes again. As I was lying on my right side I reached down and began stroking my cock with my left hand. I actually thought Mistress had fallen back to sleep and wondered if she had when I should stop… well, before I came I guess! ðŸ™‚
But after a while Mistress opened her eyes again and glanced at the ceiling again and then told me to stop. It was kind of odd stroking my cock while Mistress apparently went back to sleep / ignored me, but it still felt good. After that Mistress and I cuddled for a while before she decided it was time to get up.
It’s pretty much always Mistress who decides when to get up I’ve noticed, I don’t really like getting up out of a bed with a naked Mistress R in it. I jokingly moaned that my cock was hard again and she said ‘I’m sure Asda will take care of that’, I presume she meant going shopping would ‘cool my ardour’, not that one of the checkout girls would ‘take care of me’… that would be weird and way beyond their job description I think!
So then, since Mistress R had got up and covered up her loveliness, I pretty much had no choice but to get up, so I did…
I’m about a third of the way through the ‘Mistress’ book at the moment, but my story remains untouched – which is annoying. I wanted to get it finished last weekend and now it’s still not finished, but since I cut the hedge, mowed the lawn and cleaned the bathroom today I should be able to find time to look at it tomorrow. Along with everything else that keeps getting put off, maybe?

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