Saturday, 19 April 2014

Saludos, Pozdrowienia, Saluti, Groeten, Grub, Salutations...

It's been quite apparent for a long time that a lot of my readers are from the United States of America, and of course a fair few are from the UK, but it never really occurred to me that people from Spain, Italy or the Netherlands would be visiting here...

But of course most European countries teach English in their schools whereas we Brits are predictably lazy about learning other languages. So a special welcome to all my visitors from non-English speaking countries, I would love to hear from you guys, don't worry if your English isn't perfect, it's bound to be better than my French/German/Italian/Spanish/Polish!

Hopefully tomorrow I will be writing my new story. I've sketched out the outline so all I really need is about four hours to hammer it out. Annoyingly I had a lot of dialogue in my head last night, but I had to go out and couldn't get any of it down on paper. Hopefully it will come back to me or at least something just as good. So expect a post either tomorrow or Monday.

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